The Ultimate Guide to Git-based CMS Benefits

 min. read
11 October 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Git-based CMS Benefits
  • Content Table
  • What is a Git-based CMS?
  • Fundamentals of Integration Between a Git-based CMS and Git Providers
  • Why should you integrate?
  • How To Integrate
  • Challenges and Solutions of Git-Based CMS Integration
  • Choosing The Best Git Provider For Your Project (Github, Gitlab and Bitbucket)
  • 7. Dynamic Sites vs Static Sites
  • 8. Choosing The Right Git-Based CMS For Your Website (With Dynamic Sites and Static Sites Comparison)
  • 9. Git-Based CMS Integration Steps

Git-driven CMSs stand as key architects in shaping the contours of contemporary digital experiences, intimately intertwined with the fundamental principles of software development. Unfortunately, traditional CMS platforms face challenges in effectively supporting development at scale. These innovative CMSs not only shine in content authoring but also seamlessly integrate with DevOps through their Git-based repositories.


In this blog post, we'll delve into the steps of creating and integrating projects on GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket, all while weaving in the capabilities of a Git-based CMS to create a harmonious development ecosystem.

What is a Git based CMS?

A Git-based Content Management System (CMS) emerges as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way both developers and non-technical editors collaborate on websites. At its core, a Git-based CMS harnesses the capabilities of Git. Git-based CMS solutions act as a slick interface riding on top of Git, directly interfacing with Git repositories. It's like a bridge between developers and version-controlled content. This setup simplifies the content creation and management process, allowing developers to leverage Git's powerful versioning features seamlessly within their workflow. It's like having the best of both worlds for content evolution – the efficiency of Git and the user-friendly CMS interface.

As development teams increasingly embrace cloud-hosted platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, mastering collaboration becomes paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we'll navigate through the intricacies of creating and integrating projects on these platforms while intricately weaving in the capabilities of a Git-based CMS.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Integration Between a Git-based CMS and Git Providers

Integration, in the context of software development, refers to the seamless combination of different tools, platforms, or systems to function as a unified whole. When we talk about integrating a Git provider with a Git-based CMS, we are essentially bridging the gap between code and content. This convergence results in a more efficient and collaborative development process.

Why should you integrate with Git Based CMS?

Synchronization of Code and Content

The primary goal of integrating your Git provider with a Git-based CMS is to synchronize code and content seamlessly. In most development scenarios, code changes must be coordinated with corresponding content updates. Without integration, managing these changes can become inefficient and error-prone. Integration automates this process, ensuring that code and content are always in sync.

Real-Time Collaboration

Collaboration is at the heart of successful software development. Development teams can collaborate in real time by integrating their Git provider and CMS. Developers can work on code changes while content authors update related documentation or other content. This dynamic collaboration speeds up the development process, reducing bottlenecks and increasing overall productivity.

Enhanced Workflow Efficiency

Integration improves the development workflow by eliminating manual steps and lowering the risk of errors. With code and content seamlessly integrated, developers can concentrate on coding rather than worrying about the consistency of documentation or other content. This saves time while also improving the overall efficiency of the development process.

Version Control Unification

Git is well-known for its robust version control capabilities. Integrating Git with a CMS ensures that version control is consistent across all code and content. This unification makes it easier to track changes, roll back to previous versions, and keep a complete record of all modifications. Developers and content authors can now work with confidence, knowing that the system has their back when it comes to version control.

How To Integrate With Git Based CMS?

Choose the Right Tools

Choosing the right integration tools is critical. Check the compatibility of your Git provider and CMS to ensure a smooth integration. Popular Git providers, such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, frequently have dedicated integrations or APIs that enable seamless connections with various CMS platforms.

Configure Webhooks and Triggers

Webhooks enable real-time communication between your Git provider and CMS. Configure webhooks to alert to events like code commits or content updates. This ensures that changes in one system are automatically propagated to the other, resulting in synchronization.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication is critical to successful integration. Make sure there are clear communication channels between the development and content teams. Establishing a standard procedure for notifying teams of changes and updates will promote collaboration.

Regularly test and monitor integration

The software landscape is dynamic, and updates or changes to the Git provider or CMS can have an impact on integration. Regularly test and monitor the integration to identify and resolve any issues that arise. This proactive approach ensures that the integrated ecosystem remains strong and stable.

Challenges and Solutions of Git-Based CMS Integration

While integration has numerous advantages, it is critical to be aware of potential issues that may arise during the process. Here are some common challenges and solutions:

Conflict Resolution

  • Challenge: When code and content are changed at the same time, conflicts may arise.
  • Solution: Implement a strong conflict resolution strategy that includes clear communication, version tracking, and defined roles and responsibilities for team members.

Security concerns

  • Challenge: Integrating systems can raise security concerns, particularly when dealing with sensitive code or content.
  • Solution: Prioritize security measures like encrypted communication, secure authentication, and access controls to protect against potential flaws.

Adoption and Training

  • Challenge: Team members may need training to adjust to the integrated workflow.
  • Solution: Provide extensive training and documentation to familiarize teams with the integrated environment. Encourage a culture of learning and adaptability.

In conclusion, integrating your Git provider with a Git-based CMS is a strategic move that can significantly elevate your development ecosystem. Now let’ s delve into choosing the right tools part. 

Choosing The Best Git Provider For Your Project

Choosing the right Git provider is an important decision for any software development project because it establishes the groundwork for collaboration, version control, and overall project management. With numerous options available, including GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket, each with their own set of features and strengths, the decision is based on a variety of factors such as project size, team collaboration preferences, integration requirements, and budget constraints.

Essentials of GitLab:

  • Features of Collaboration

  GitLab is an all-in-one solution that includes tools for version control, continuous integration/continuous delivery pipelines, and project management.

  • Built-in CI/CD 

Use GitLab's powerful CI/CD capabilities to streamline your development and deployment processes.

  • Editions for the Community and Enterprise

Depending on your project's needs, choose between the community-driven free version and the feature-rich enterprise edition.

  • Developing Your Project

Log in and look around: Sign in or create a GitLab account to begin exploring the platform's plethora of features. Navigate to your dashboard, click 'New Project, '' and then follow the on-screen instructions to create your project.

  • Clone Locally 

Clone your repository locally and dive into the creative coding process.

Essentials of Bitbucket:

  • Jira and Trello Integration 

Bitbucket seamlessly integrates with Jira, providing an efficient project management and issue tracking solution. With Bitbucket, effortlessly access information on branches, build status, commits, and stay updated on the status of Jira or Trello cards, providing an unparalleled level of transparency and coordination.

  • Creating Your Project

Log in or create a Bitbucket account, ready to embark on your collaborative coding journey. Click on the '+' icon, choose 'Repository, ' and sculpt your project's details.

  • Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket’ s CI/CD solution will speed up your development process. Easily streamline your build, test, and deployment phases within the Bitbucket ecosystem. Utilize the power of configuration as code for easy customization and quick feedback loops, resulting in a faster and more efficient development lifecycle.

  • Clone Locally

Initiate a local clone of your repository, immersing yourself in the world of creative coding and collaborative development on Bitbucket.

Essentials of Perks:

  • Editions for the Community and Enterprise

GitLab offers versatility with editions catering to both the community and enterprise. Choose between the community-driven free version or the feature-rich enterprise edition based on your project's specific needs.

  • Features of Collaboration

GitLab stands as an all-in-one solution, encompassing essential tools for version control, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, and efficient project management.

  • Creating Your Project

When you log in on the left sidebar, at the top, you will see the “ Create New” tab where you can create a blank project. You might also prefer a built-in project template that populates a new project with files to get you started.

Now we'll explore the significance of Git-based CMS, dive into the options available, and understand how this choice can positively influence both static and dynamic websites.

Dynamic Sites vs Static Sites 

The decision between dynamic and static sites is influencing the performance, functionality, and maintenance of a website. Now we are going to navigate the landscape of dynamic versus static sites by weighing factors such as scalability, development complexity, and performance requirements to determine the most fitting approach for a particular web project.

Dynamic Sites: A Real-Time Canvas of Interaction

Unveiling the Essence

Dynamic sites redefine the online landscape by crafting personalized experiences in real-time. Unlike static counterparts, dynamic sites don't merely present information; they dynamically generate content, responding to user requests with agility and versatility.

The Core of Dynamic Content Generation

At the heart of dynamic sites lies server-side processing. When a user triggers a request, server-side scripts (written in languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, or Node.js) come to life, dynamically constructing HTML tailored to the individual user. This real-time content generation sets the stage for dynamic web experiences.

The Rise of Static Site Generators

Static site generators have emerged as a breath of fresh air in the web development landscape. Unlike dynamic websites, which rely on server-side processing to generate content for each user request, static sites pre-generate pages during the build process. This results in faster loading times, improved security, and simplified hosting requirements.

Hugo: Speed and Flexibility

Hugo, a static site generator written in Go, has gained a reputation for its lightning-fast build times. Its simplicity and flexibility make it an ideal choice for a wide range of projects. With a robust theming system and a large and active community, Hugo is a top choice for developers seeking efficiency without compromising on customization.

Jekyll: GitHub Pages' Best Friend

Jekyll, powered by Ruby, is the engine behind GitHub Pages. Its simplicity and seamless integration with GitHub make it a go-to choice for bloggers and developers alike. Jekyll's liquid templating system allows for dynamic content within static pages, offering a balance between simplicity and functionality.

Gatsby: Blurring the Lines

Gatsby, built on React, takes static site generation to the next level by introducing a dynamic layer. Its ability to fetch data during the build process from various sources, including APIs and databases, makes it a powerful choice for content-rich websites. Gatsby's performance and flexibility have led to its widespread adoption in the developer community.

Choosing The Right Git-Based CMS For Your Website

Using a Git-based CMS (Content Management System) for both dynamic and static sites offers a range of benefits that contribute to a more efficient, collaborative, and organized development workflow. Here are several reasons why incorporating a Git-based CMS is advantageous.

Version Control

  • Dynamic Sites: In dynamic websites where content frequently changes, having a version control system is crucial. Git enables you to track changes, compare versions, and roll back to previous states easily.
  • Static Sites: Even though static sites are pre-built, having version control is valuable. It allows you to track changes to content and configurations, providing a history of modifications and simplifying the identification and resolution of issues.


  • Dynamic Sites: Collaboration is often a key aspect of dynamic web development. Multiple team members might be working simultaneously on different parts of the site. A Git-based CMS allows for concurrent collaboration, ensuring that changes are merged seamlessly.
  • Static Sites: Collaboration is equally important for static sites, especially in scenarios where multiple contributors are involved in creating and updating content. Git facilitates smooth collaboration, avoiding conflicts and ensuring a streamlined content creation process.

Content Decoupling

  • Dynamic Sites: In dynamic sites, separating content from code simplifies development and maintenance. A Git-based CMS allows content creators to focus on their work without needing intricate knowledge of the underlying codebase.
  • Static Sites: Decoupling content and code is a fundamental principle in static site development. A Git-based CMS ensures that content updates do not interfere with the site's structure and design, promoting a clean and organized workflow.

Workflow Efficiency

  • Dynamic Sites: Git-based CMS streamlines the workflow by providing a structured process for content creation, review, and deployment. Integration with Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines ensures automated testing and deployment.
  • Static Sites: Workflow efficiency is crucial in static site generation. A Git-based CMS simplifies the process of updating content and pushing changes to the live site. Automated build and deployment processes enhance overall efficiency.

Easy Rollbacks

  • Dynamic Sites: In dynamic sites, where frequent updates occur, the ability to roll back to a previous state is crucial in case of errors or unforeseen issues. Git makes it straightforward to revert to a known, stable version.
  • Static Sites: Despite their simplicity, errors can occur during content updates or site changes. Git's version control capabilities provide an easy way to roll back changes and maintain site stability.

Consistent Deployment

  • Dynamic Sites: Consistent deployment is essential for dynamic sites, ensuring that changes are applied uniformly across servers. Git-based CMS, integrated with CI/CD pipelines, facilitates automated and consistent deployments.
  • Static Sites: For static sites, maintaining consistency in deployment is equally important. Git-based CMS ensures that updates are deployed uniformly, minimizing the risk of discrepancies between different instances of the site.

Whether you're working on dynamic or static sites, a Git-based CMS serves as a valuable tool in modern web development.

Navigating the Integration Journey: Optimizing Collaboration with Your Preferred Git-based CMS

We're ready to delve into the details of integration with your preferred Git-based CMS.


Choose Your Git based CMS

The first step is selecting a Git-based CMS that aligns with your project's unique requirements. Popular choices include GitBased CMS, Netlify CMS, Contentful etc. For detailed comparison you can check out this blog post in which we compare Git-based content management systems.

You must grant the CMS access

Once you've chosen your Git-based CMS, the next crucial step is granting the CMS access to your version control system. This process ensures that the CMS can seamlessly manage and edit repositories through your Git provider. This integration is vital for maintaining a unified workflow, allowing your team to focus on content creation and development rather than grappling with disparate tools.

To facilitate this integration, follow the technical documentation provided by your chosen CMS. Most Git-based CMS solutions offer straightforward setup instructions, typically involving OAuth tokens or API keys. Ensure that you adhere to best practices for securing these credentials, employing encrypted communication channels and restricting access to only essential permissions.

Invite your team to collaborate

With the CMS integrated into your version control system, the next step is inviting your team to collaborate effectively. This involves adding team members as collaborators or organization members, depending on the structure of your project. The beauty of Git-based CMS lies in shielding non-technical users from the complexities of the underlying version control system.

By adding collaborators through the CMS interface, non-technical team members can seamlessly contribute to the project without ever needing to interact directly with the Git provider. This abstraction enhances collaboration by removing barriers and enabling team members to focus on their core competencies.

Wrapping up our stroll through the Git-based CMS universe— happy coding and content crafting, folks!