Frequently Asked Questions

What is GitBased CMS?

It's an all-in-one solution for synchronizing, building, and editing JAMstack websites. Basically, it’s the modern way of a CMS.

How does GitBased CMS work?

GitBased CMS offers an user-friendly editing interface to modify markdown files and images. There is no database, instead, changes are committed directly back into your Git provider’s repository. GitBased CMS synchronizes files from your repository. With this approach, every time you save a file, the CMS commits it back to the repository, ensuring that you always have complete control and ownership over your content.

How to get started to use GitBased CMS?

Begin your journey by choosing the plan that best fits your needs and signing up.
Select your Git provider and connect your repositories.
Create organizations and invite your team members.
Finally, use our user-friendly editing interface to directly create or update content on your website.

What are the advantages of using Git for storing and managing website content over using a database?

Instead of storing your content in a database, consider committing it to a Git repository. This way, your content is stored in YAML or JSON format that is easily accessible and portable. Git is designed to handle text files and is optimized for storing and managing code. It can handle large numbers of files and handle merge conflicts when multiple people are working on the same files. Git also tracks changes to files over time and allows you to easily roll back to previous versions. This is useful for keeping a history of changes to your content and being able to revert to a previous version if needed.

Which one should you choose for your website: an API-based CMS or a Git-based CMS and why?

Api based CMSs store the content in a database and the content is accessible through an API, which allows for querying and managing the data in a more structured way. It requires specialized tools or editors to manage. Examples of API-based CMS are WordPress, Drupal, and Contentful. On the other hand Git-based CMSs store the content in plain text files, such as Markdown or JSON, which can be easily edited and managed by developers. The choice between them will depend on the specific use case and requirements, a Git-based CMS is better for static sites. Static sites can have certain advantages for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) compared to dynamic sites.

What type of content can be managed with GitBased CMS?

In short, any type of content can be managed. This includes video, audio, images, text, code, and structured documents. The content can be structured and created by multiple editors using the content model, which allows for the creation of different content types and the specification of their fields.

Does GitBased CMS support all static site generators (SSGs)?

Regardless of the static site generator you are using, GitBased CMS is able to edit various file formats such as Markdown, JSON, YAML, and TOML.

What are static site generators?

Basically the concept of a static site generator is to take dynamic content and data and generate static HTML/ JavaScript/CSS files that can be deployed to the server side. There is no server-side generation at runtime. Simple as that!

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